Friday, May 4, 2012

the end

Looking over my blog postings, I think the three that stand out to me are Notes of a Native Son, MIddle Passage, and Waste Land.  I chose these three as my best because they are the posts that I found a meaning in the writing and wanted to know more or really questioned why it was so important to American litature. In Notes of a Native Son, I am still left wondering the same thoughts as I did in my post and to my surprise want to look more into what people thought about it too. The middle passage I found interesting and I was able to find how ironic things were because of my history111 class. It was nice to engage with knowledge I had. The Waste Land left me wondering what the heck? and it was the first real time I felt confidante in saying that in class. My ideas of lituerature have changed since the start of class, it mad me look into authors I would probably not chose on my own and on top of it, I got to learn why its important and the reasoning for it. I have learneed alot from this class, the main thing is there are many types of writing and with a little thought and energy it can open up a whole new way of thinking or viewing the world.

My evlaution of my performance this semster is mixed. I feel that I exeled in classroom disscusion and my papers but I aslo feel that the bloging and the 8 am quizes were my arch nemesis. My stregnths as a writer are great and sadly I finnally understand the idea of blogging and how its just writting thoughts, unfornutatly for me this comes too late since this is the last blog I have. I would say that this blogging has been my weekness this semster but I do feel confident that I have over come my disdain for it, so that is somthing I will take with me. I even wrote in my blog with my friend to there surprise.

I wish I could say an A+, for my grade in this class, but I know that is not what I will get. I feel like I have overcome alot this semster and unfortuanly my grade isnt an emotional one. I realized that I have lost my drive and my for lack of a better word spark, inside myself. This class has made me relize that I cannot let my Rheumatiod Arthritis and A.D.D. drag me down. I do know that through the readings and talking with my intructo,r that I am now aware of what I have let slip away and as the tears well in my eyes I have some changes to make. I know my blogging skills are not the best but I will walk away proud of myself for not shutting down complety and ending the class doing them. SO take that A.D.D! :) I did it! and it may not seem like a huge accomlishment to others but to me its huge! I do have to say I dont feel I deserve a C because I  feel and know I accomplished so much more.

Thank you for all your insight that you may not have realized and your enthustiasm is inspiring. Best to you and your life.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I find it alarming that although I see the strangeness of the names of the characters and the odd statements that they make and yet I don't think to look into it more. Why? I’m not sure maybe because I am so focused on detangling what I am reading that I do not take the opportunity to let it soak in, or it could be the fact that I am more occupied with what prompted the writer to even write this. Once again I am intrigued not by the work but by the reasoning behind it. I would never find myself sitting in a room thinking of such things, so why? Does this man find it so inspiring to write such a novel? Is it fun or is it an artistic statement? In some ways I envy someone that can sit and produce a novel with so much thought and passion behind what they are trying to write. When I can barely commit to writing a blog, or finishing, even starting a passion I may have.